Curfew Extension: 24-Hour Curfew imposed from 6 AM on 9 April to 6 AM on 16 April 2020
The Government of Antigua and Barbuda announced on Wednesday that it has extended the curfew enforced on 2 April 2020 by another week. The original curfew established by a State of Emergency to curb the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) was due to expire today, 9 April 2020. The extension of the 24-hour curfew will last until 6:00 AM on 16 April 2020.
The new curfew will however see banks and some financial institutions to include credit unions, and money transfer businesses operate between 7 AM to 12 noon. The new regulations also require all persons to wear a face mask/suitable covering while out in public.
The government of Antigua and Barbuda has declared a State of Emergency in an effort to curb the spread of the Coronavirus – COVID-19 (Coronavirus). A 24-Hour curfew has been enacted from 6:00 AM Thursday 9 April to 6 AM 16 April 2020.
There will be no movement during the day by non-essential workers except for food and emergency supplies. Private vehicles are limited to two (2) occupants.
Essential workers and others should continue to practice social distancing of six (6) feet between persons
No business activity or service not listed in the Schedule to the Essential Services Act, 2008 shall be permitted to open or operate on Friday 10 April 2020 (Good Friday), Sunday 12 April 2020 (Easter Sunday) and Monday 13 April 2020 (Easter Monday).
Persons are confined to their places of residence during the 24-Hour curfew hours
Essential Services permitted to operate during State of Emergency
· Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda including the fire Brigade
· Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force
· Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy (ONDCP)
· Customs Department and Excise Division
· Immigration Department
· Mount Saint John Medical Centre
· Emergency Medical Services and E-911 Services
· Media workers and other employees of a broadcasting service to the extent that they are traveling for work;
· Her Majesty’s Prison
· Air Traffic Control Service
· Metrological Services
· Clinics
· Pharmacies
· Provision of healthcare services and residential care services
· Residential or elderly care facilities and establishments
· Antigua Public Utilities Authority (Electricity and Water and Telecommunications; other Water Service and Telecommunication Service Providers)
· Assigned Volunteers
· Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority
· Brokers and Shipping agents
· Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority
· Businesses licensed to provide private security services
· National Office of Disaster Services
· Commercial Banks and Credit Unions to the extent required to facilitate ongoing automatic banking services
· All Members of Parliament
· The Treasury Department, as determined by the Accountant General
· The Inland Revenue Department, as determined by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue
· National Solid Waste Management Authority
· Healthcare workers and employees of allied health care services
· Telecommunication Service providers
· LIAT 1974 Ltd.
· Fuel Manufactures/Distributors (WIOC, RUBIS)
· Private Doctors/Veterinarians
Select businesses will be allowed to operate between the recommended hours with strict adherence to the established social distancing regime. These businesses shall operate between the hours of 7 AM to 12 noon (Only two (2) persons are allowed in private vehicles and must have valid reasons for being in public)
Fish and Meat Markets, Abattoirs
Registered livestock and vegetable farmers are permitted to be at their farms between the hours of 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM
Licensed fishermen are permitted to operate during the curfew period between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Critical Cleaning Services, Sanitation workers
Gas Stations
Wholesale or retail grocery stores, bakeries, supermarkets and community shops
Authorized Delivery Services of necessities (food, groceries, medicine, water, fuel)
Banking Institutions licensed under the Banking Act 2015
Credit Unions
Money gram and Wester Union Money Transfer Services for the purpose of receiving moneys only
Licensed Insurance Companies and Insurance Agents
Public transportation services are permitted to operate during the curfew period from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM provided the operator of the public transport and the passengers wear a face mask/covering and the passengers are seated in a staggering formation with one person in every row that would normally accommodate 2 persons and no more than 2 persons in the back seat.
Hotels/Villas & Ancillary Staff operating on a limited scale (no gaming rooms, spas, gyms, tennis courts and other recreational services are allowed; in room dining only).
Critical Construction workers approved by the Cabinet to include BHM, Meridian Construction Company, CCECC and WIOC.
Businesses involved in logistics
Employees of the public service who are not employed in the provision of essential services are permitted to work during the curfew period based on the instructions of the Permanent Secretary of the Department or Division
Employees of Statutory Bodies will operate under the instructions of the Director or Chairman of the Board of the Statutory Body
All Permanent Secretaries within the civil service, and the Directors and Chairmen of Board of the Statutory Bodies shall encourage and support employees in working from home to the extent that this is possible.
All courts will function under the guidance of the Chief Justice/Chief Magistrate
All beaches are closed for the duration of the curfew period
Important instructions:
· Under the State of Emergency, persons must remain in the confines of their homes
· Every business permitted under the State of Emergency regulations to operate during the curfew period shall observe the social distancing protocols as follows:-
- Ensure that all customers and staff maintain physical distancing of no less than six (6) feet in or around their business;
- determine the number of persons that may be permitted in the establishment at any one time by permitting one person for every fifty square feet of store space;
- place distance markers at six (6) feet interval showing where persons are permitted to stand at a check out point;
- place distance markers at six (6) feet interval to show where persons are permitted to stand while waiting outside of the establishment;
- In addition to social distancing, owners of businesses permitted operate during the curfew period shall ensure that there is a sanitizing station available at the entry to the business and sanitary procedures are observed by all customers.
No person is permitted to be in any motor vehicle, supermarket, market, or in any street or in any public place without wearing a face mask/covering
Every person who is permitted to leave his or her residence for any portion of the curfew period must wear a face mask/suitable covering which completely covers both the nose and the mouth of that person.
All Religious and Educational places of instruction or worship shall remain closed. They may however operate via electronic or virtual means.
· No person shall –
· (a) host or attend at any private party which includes any person from outside of his or her immediate household occupant;
· (b) attend or participate in any organised sporting event or any sports stadium;
· (c) hold any banquet, ball or reception;
· (d) any social event.
For the duration of the curfew period –
(a) weddings;
(b) meeting of a fraternal society, social or private club, civic organisation or association, are banned.
(c) Funerals, if held during the curfew period, must be conducted in the cemetery with no more than ten (10) mourners, the officiant, two (2) representatives from the funeral home and two (2) persons employed to work in the graveyard, all of whom shall practice social distancing and wear a face mask/covering.
No person shall drive any vehicle on any public or private road except for the purpose of:
(a) transporting someone who has a medical emergency;
(b) going to the supermarket or any of the businesses permitted to open pursuant to this regulation;
(c) going to an automatic banking machine within the period 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM;
(2) Only the driver and one other person are allowed to be in a private vehicle.
No person under the age of eighteen (18) years is permitted to be on any street or in any vehicle, whether a private or public transport, during the curfew period, except in the company of a parent or legal guardian.
A person who fails to comply with these special measures commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars or to imprisonment for six (6) months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
For more information or to submit queries, email